
If your company requires an audit we can assist you. Our audit approach is designed not alone to comply with International Standards on Auditing “ISA’s” but also to add value to the company. We are committed to providing a very high quality audit service and to do this we have to understand your business, communicate effectively with your staff and adopt rigorous internal quality assurance procedures. Auditing can be a costly service unless it is efficiently executed. Most large and medium accountancy firms send out the newly recruited audit trainees to carry out the audit of your company. At Kiely & Co we believe that audits should only be carried out by senior, appropriately qualified auditors, with the necessary skills and competencies to execute the audit and bring professional judgement and scepticism.

We understand that the world of auditing is changing and that the old adage “an audit is an audit” is no longer relevant. At Kiely & Co we engage the services of experts in the areas of information technology, data processing and specific sector expertise as part of the audit team, where necessary.

The annual statutory audit of a company is generally priced based on the projected number of hours required to complete the assignment. There are a number of ways that a company can reduce the cost of the audit whilst not interfering with the auditor’s duty to form an independent audit opinion. We will direct you in that regard to ensure you are not incurring unnecessary costs.

Kiely & Co is registered to conduct statutory audits by CPA Ireland and its audit registration number “ARN” is CP7302. We also carry out audits for UK registered companies.